Most work that lands on the desk of an executive involves conflicting agendas and tough decisions. Executives set the direction for an entire company and work with all departments to "stay the course", building a solid corporate culture and effective teams. This is rugged terrain for even the best executives and it requires not only external awareness and astute judgement, but feedback, reflection and guidance.
According to a 2013 executive coaching survey done by the Center for Leadership Development and Research at Stanford Graduate School of Business, almost two-thirds of executives do not receive coaching but almost 100% of them want it.
Primebridge’s diverse executive coaches play a key role in bridging gaps between a leader and their objectives. Our coaches conduct a qualitative 360° interview in conjunction with a 360° online assessment called the Leadership Circle® to achieve a unique and solid understanding of how they are perceived by their peers, superiors and direct reports. Together with their coach, the leader explores new thinking and different perspectives to achieve greater clarity about what is holding them back from the road to greater leadership.
Coaches help design action plans with new models and frameworks for success as well as ongoing sustainability.
Where required, our coaches use a variety of methodologies as well as psychometric tools such as EQI, Myers Briggs, FIRO Business and SDI.
More than just teachers, Primebridge coaches are guides, trusted advisors, objective third parties, tough questioners, and most importantly, champions of their clients.
At Primebridge, we help you achieve the level of leadership that you strive for.